This Pac-Man game was my final project for ICS 111, in collaboration with two other students in my class. This game featured the fullest extent of our Java knowledge at the time and utilizez multiple java files containing a multitude of different functions and classes to develop a Pac-Man game of our own. In addition to Java, we also utilized the game-making Java tools released by our professor that was also heavily used in a lot of our ICS 111 homeworks and projects.
My part in this project involved creating the map of the game. I used a file scanner that scanned a text file starting from the top row going from left to right and used key words to insert specific terrain blocks that acted as the map by using another input reader tuned to the R character for dirt and G character for grass. While this did cause the map to take a while to load at start-up, it also allows for us to easily customize the map to our liking by simply changing the characters around.
Overall, this project was a challenging and enjoyable experience that really highlighted the necessity, or rather extreme usefulness, of having teammates around to help ease the burden of creating a big project like this one. I’m proud of what we accomplished with this project.
Below is a link to the project:
Source: TristanYousufLeo/Pac-man